Mayor Bloomberg of New York City will not run for President of the United States.
Bloomberg is a highly respected politician. He has worked vigorously and successfully to reform the city's education system, keep guns off the street, maintain a strong economy and solve global warming.
Bloomberg's success is due to his ability to act independently of any one party's ideological constraints. Thankfully, in a NY Times editorial, Bloomberg has vowed to stay involved in national politics and endorse a truly independent candidate:
If a candidate takes an independent, nonpartisan approach — and embraces practical solutions that challenge party orthodoxy — I’ll join others in helping that candidate win the White House.I believe that Generation Obama believes in Barack, because we believe in a new approach to politics. We believe in Senator Obama, because he believes in a nonpartisan approach to solving America's problems. Generation Obama is excited about a new approach to politics that escapes the partisan gridlock of the past.
I encourage all of you to send a message to Mayor Bloomberg that lets him know we would welcome and appreciate his endorsement, and that explains why you believe that Senator Obama is the true independent in this race that he is looking for:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)
FAX (212) 788-2460
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