Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Give Your Age

If you are part of Generation Obama, you are probably a lot like me when it comes to money. I do not have a lot of expendable income, but I still believe it is important to give to the charities and causes that I care deeply about. So, what is someone my age supposed to do if they want to contribute to Barack Obama?

Well, I think I've stumbled upon a good strategy that will help out the campaign and not hurt my wallet - I am going to give my age.

With two critical contests on the horizon in Texas and Ohio, I am going to make a contribution for change with some of my own.

I encourage you to do the same!

For the price of a few cocktails or a dinner out, Generation Obama can contribute to changing America.

So, how much am I giving? $25! But I promise, I don't look a day over 24.


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