Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super, Super Tuesday in Perspective

Obama campaign manager, David Plouffe, set the right tone yesterday, when he explained in a memo that the candidate's supporters should not expect any sort of blowout this evening when the results start rolling in. Instead, we should be focused on running a campaign for delegates and buidling up enough momentum to dominate the states that vote after February 5th.

Super Tuesday is as close to a national election that we are going to get in this primary cycle, and it would be impossible to expect Senator Obama to overcome the overwhelming name recognition that the Clintons' enjoy. Amazingly, Obama has been able to overcome huge polling deficits in just a few days in some delegate rich states. It is certainly clear that momentum is on our side, and it is momentum and a belief in hope and change that will win this nomination and the White House.

While many of us have been in this fight for over a year now, many Americans are just starting to get to know Barack Obama. In the coming weeks, after Super Tuesday, most Americans will finally have an opportunity to know Barack. And once America knows Barack, they will feel the fierce urgency of now that has already permeated the electorate in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

Once America knows Barack, America will give him the opportunity to change America.

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